Winter Camp Ideas: A List of Innovative and Fun Activities to Try

Winter camping is a great idea, especially if you have little ones who simply don’t want to stay nice and warm at indoors and want to do something exciting. Rather than focusing on the ways to deal with cold, you can be a little innovative and make good use of the time. In this post, we will share some fun ways to channel the energy of the young ones during a winter camp.

Winter Break Camps

Why should we take our kids for winter camping?

Consider the snow-filled weeks as a time for a family vacation. The best part about winter camping is that you don’t have to worry about certain insects and wasps that are found on hot days. Besides, you will find your choice of empty pitches for the camping. Winters are beautiful and your kids will love to explore them and do some adventurous activities.

How cold is too cold for winter camping with kids?

To ensure that the camping is comfortable, the time is right, and don’t forget to check the weather reports. With high-calorie food and layered clothing, you can start camping with kids at lower temperatures. When the nighttime temperature reaches 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s too cold for amateur campers and you should not try it with your kids. Start camping when the temperature reaches 65 degrees at night time if you are planning it with little ones.

Fun winter camping ideas

Snowman hunt: If making a snowman is your favorite winter activity then give it a little twist and make it more interesting. One member of your family can leave footprints on the snow and the rests need to find where the snowman is hidden. When the hunt is over, you all can create a snowman together and enjoy it.

Fort building: There is no such thing as the joy of beholding a large fort made by you. Try this with your young ones and make sure to click some pictures with the final product. Don’t forget to hit down the fort and turn it into a snow fight for the added fun.

Snow games: The list is endless, but the best way to keep your bodies warm during the winter camping is to try broom hockey, snow golf, or play tag.

Bottom line

You don’t have to be a pro at camping. Just let loose and enjoy the winters with your dear ones. For stress-free camping, start by finding a location nearby your home, so that you can come back in case the weather gets bad. For more such tips and useful information on kids’ learning and activities, you can visit Childventures. They are helping Canadian families to develop children with care, love, and the right knowledge.

Published by Childventures Early Learning Academy

Childventures Early Learning Academy is a premier child daycare centre in Canada. At Childventures Early Learning Academy, our environment makes early childhood education interesting and interactive, encouraging a sense of exploration and a positive attitude towards learning that lasts for life. Childventures early childhood education programs foster healthy development and encourage a love of learning among children. We use a blended curriculum that takes the best of three world-renowned teaching methods and combines them into one enriched program. High Scope®, Core Knowledge®, Montessori, and Baby Signs methods all help your child develop into a successful learner.

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